Tuesday, April 15, 2008

History of Creativity Project

I had to do a project for my class (History of Creativity) and I chose to recreate Auguste Rodin's "The Thinker." Kenna helped by letting me cover her in saran wrap followed by packaging tape. I covered her in a few separate sections and then cut her out. Then I pieced the sections together. Enjoy the step by step process.


Helena said...

OMG, when I first saw the pics I was wondering "what the heck"--thank goodness you explained. I am still a bit worried about Kenna's face being covered in saran wrap, sounds dangerous to me--haha.

Emily said...

that is so cool! So are you going to keep it and bring it with you to chicago?

Jen said...

That is really impressive! What a cool assignment.

Jen said...

I forgot to say...Kenna you're a good sport!!!

Amanda Jones said...

We like the touch of the brain! Maybe Dave should consider a career in art.

robyn said...

this is hilarious. i love it. hmm, i love creativity. well done guys, well done! i especially like the brain amidst all the plastic. fantastic.

the Koch's said...

The saran wrap on Kenna's face is my favorite!! Nice work! How did you get that onto campus? I am picturing you walking to school with it linked onto your arm. Either that or driving in the passanger seat next to you.

Christy Tub said...

Hahahaha! i think this is the funniest thing I've ever seen. But it turned out really good!

Marisa said...

That is AWESOME! Seriously so creative. Good work.

Anonymous said...

duuuude! no way!! my project for that class was SO lame! ha! that is pretty amazing!! Too bad we couldn't get together before school got out. Let me know when you are back in Monrovia!

I don't know how I found your guys' blog, but I am glad I did. Let's stay in touch! Good luck in Chi-town!